Classical Revolt

The 18th century to mid 19th century was a political firestorm worldwide. Also called the "Age of Revolutions", in just around 150 years we got Circassian, Industrial, American, French, Haitian, and Serbian Revolutions, just to name a few. Revolutions are many things, but one thing they are most certainly not is clean. Social and political upheavals are messy and brutal, especially during this time period. American soldiers fighting and dying for freedom en masse, and only a few years later the French aristocracy starts coming in 1st place at the Headless Horseman look-alike contest thanks to Joseph-Ignace Guillotin 's most famous invention . This was a gritty and savage period in history, which is why it's very interesting to me that dozens of artists depicted moments from this period through a brighter, more glorious lens. Eugene Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People , 1830, Oil on Canvas A fantastic example of thi...