
My name is Garrett. I was born and raised in Fairbanks, Alaska. Most of my interests are related to comics, horror movies, unsolved mysteries, and art. I am currently twenty years old and I hope to eventually get a degree in Art with a minor in creative writing, and I have an online store where I sell some of my designs. Li I (1974), by H.R. Giger I have been drawing since a pencil could fit into my hand, and my personal favorite medium to work in is pen and ink with Microns and dip pens. I am mainly interested in horror and thriller-based content. I grew up fascinated by films such as "Alien" (1979) and "Hellraizer" (1987), and their aesthetics helped to shape my art style. Naturally, I reference the creative minds behind the visuals of those films, H.R. Giger and Clive Barker, as significant influences on my style and creative process, along with artists with similar aesthetics such as Masahiro Ito and Zdz...